
Hello! As a researcher at Rutgers University, I learned what is known about the neurochemistry of addiction. As a clinician, I’ve worked with countless people who struggle with addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, food or a combination that wreaks havoc on their lives, even when they seem to be “keeping it together.” You deserve to feel better, and I would be honored to help you regain control of your life.

GROUP PROGRAMS: We will begin a Food Addiction Group January 11, 2023. At this point, the group will meet Wednesdays at 7 (virtual.) Participants will need to do a brief screen with Dr. Nolan to enroll; please go here and click the “request appointment” button to register for a free 15-minute consultation; this will secure your place in the group. This is not a diet group. We address trauma, body issues, food as comfort, coping skills and a variety of other topics in a safe, supportive setting. You will begin to understand why sugar is addictive and learn skills to help you stop relying on sugar in all its hidden forms.